Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Module 4:Questions/suggestions

·         Questions you have with which your colleagues may be able to provide help and support
If you currently teach, what type of family involvement activities has been successful in your classroom?
Do you provide incentives?  And if you do which incentives are beneficial to the parents?   

·         Resources and information you are seeking
I am seeking other ideas/suggestions that have function to my colleagues when it comes to   parent’s involvement during parent night meetings.
·         Resources and/or information you have found helpful and insightful
There are various organizations that support early literacy and parent involvement such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children which provides many useful fact sheets and informational resources about advocacy. They have a collection of information about the legal aspects of the subject as well as the Ounce of Prevention Fund which objective is to provide quality early childhood experience for those unfortunate children.


  1. Liliana, I think when you have parents to come out you want to interact mostly with their children and less time time talking amongst other families. it's ok if they mingle with other parents, but you want to benefit more with the children.

    I think arts and crafts are always a plus when getting parents involved, collages, dancing, with older children have the children introduce their parents to the other children and vice versa, something that is fun that will have the parents excited to come to meetings.

  2. Liliana,
    It is sad to say but people like free. Free food, free door prizes and so on. Free stuff is one way to get them in the door,but a fun time and great information will get them to come back.

  3. Liliana,

    Unfortunately in my community there is not much parent involvement. We hold Art shows during the classroom day once a year to provide the parents an opportunity to come to the classroom to be with their child. We send official invitations that the children decorate and the teachers work hard to create the art show feel. We offer snacks during this and a parent/child project that they can work on together. The children love this and the parents that come love it as well. We offer parents to come into the classroom to read to the students and help out with daily activities but few take us up on this offer. We have offered incentives for parents to come to parent meetings by offering them a 10 dollar gas card every month that they came to participate. That produced a few showings.

    Thank you,


  4. Thanks for your useful comments. I will take them in consideration.


  5. Thanks for your useful comments. I will take them in consideration.

